Little Teether Teething Blog

Hear from Amy about becoming a mom, and adding #2 to the mix!


For whatever [crazy] reason, I thought being a mom would be really easy. I thought because I WANTED to be a mom so badly that I would just love it so much, which in turn would make it easy! And actually, I might even say it DID come really easily...until our second came! When we had our first, my son Ridge captivated my heart the very instant he was born. I was undone, completely smitten, and overcome by my emotions and how much I loved him. I loved waking up with him in the night, I loved that everyone handed him back to me when he was crying, I loved how much he needed me, I loved figuring out his schedule and his needs and his idiosyncrasies, I loved changing every single one of his diapers. I flat-out LOVED being his mom, and all it entailed. I thought I wanted 6 kids! (My husband wanted 1)! 

I talked my husband into another kid and was ecstatic when we got pregnant, until fear started creeping in, around week 4, ha. How would I love two kids? Ridge has had ALL my attention for almost two years -- how will he respond when he has to share me? How will I balance everything? For the majority of my pregnancy I was completely terrified. I felt like I couldn't savor my final days enough with Ridge as my only child. I prayed that baby number two wouldn't come early so I could enjoy every last moment with my best [little] friend. 

Navy decided to join our family a month early. She is the sweetest, most smiley addition to our family. I adore her - so much more than I thought I'd ever be able to. But parenting instantly became hard for me when she was born. All the mom things I loved doing with Ridge can now feel annoying with Navy. When she needs me, instead of feeling honored, I feel overwhelmed because there's also a 2-year-old who needs me. When she wakes up in the night, I'm frustrated because I need my sleep to parent the unending ball of energy who wakes up at 6am! When she's crying and people hand her to me, I can easily feel like I just can't do it all. And then the worst part is the mom guilt - the guilt that I'm not loving it the way I did before. The guilt of admitting that it's really hard, that I need help, that I'm not a super-hero mom, that I don't "have it all together". 

I quit my job as a Dental Hygienist right before Navy was born, because my DREAM Job was to be a Stay-At-Home-Mom. It was important to both my husband and me that I would get to live out that Dream. But boy is it hard to feel like I'm not contributing financially, I can't seem to get into a good rhythm with the kids, I'm terrible at keeping up with the messes or having dinner made or even getting out of my pajamas. It definitely hasn't been what I expected. But, in truth, I love that - I love that it isn't always easy and that I'm not wired to know their every single need, that it takes time to figure their unique personalities, that each day is a surprise, and that God thought there was NO ONE better on the planet to be their mom than ME! For every hard moment, there are 6,000 beautiful ones. Honestly, when I thought being a mom would be a Dream Job, I didn't realize just how good that dream would be. I didn't realize that very few things in life would bring me as much purpose and joy. I didn't realize how much pride I would feel that they were mine. It's so hard and it's so good! I hope I never wake up from this dream! 


Amy Kristen Wilt

Huge $850 Giveaway!

Happy Spring, Friends!

Little Teether has teamed up with 14 of your favorite brands to bring you a huge bundle of happiness. One winner takes it all... and it could be YOU!

The Oh Mommy + Oh Baby Giveaway is here, granting you an ultimate chance to win OVER $850 IN PRIZES! 

YAY!! We are as excited as you are and we know that you wouldn't miss this for the world. So, what are you waiting for, mamas? The mechanics and juicy deets are indicated below. Like, follow, tag, share away and don't forget to spread the word to all your friends. Let's do this!


Participating Brands and Prizes:

Open to all mamas. Contest winner will be announced on April 17, 2017. Be sure to check back to find out if you are a winner and remember our basic rules apply. 

*PLEASE NOTE: If you are chosen as a winner, we will send you an email alerting you of your winnings. If we do not hear back from you within 48 hours, we will pick another lucky winner. Participants will be added to the newsletters of all the partner brands.


Tips to make your home comfortable this Thanksgiving

Tips to make your home comfortable this Thanksgiving

When celebrating Thanksgiving, the more, the merrier. There’s nowhere you’d rather be than with people you love. But let's be honest. When hosting Thanksgiving this year, you may feel the stress of dealing with so many guests. A successful holiday celebration relies on the ability to create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone. Here are a few of our favorite Thanksgiving success tips that readers have shared.


1. Ask

Planning beforehand is always a good idea. Ask your expected visitors if they have any preference requests, dietary restrictions with food, expected number of guests that they will bring, etc. Perhaps some guests would like to bring a dish of their own to share for Thanksgiving dinner. This will give you an easy head start on planning what to serve.

If you're still preparing food when your guests arrive, ask if they would mind lending you a hand. Many people enjoy helping out and contribute. Cooking together is also a great bonding experience.

2. Include everybody in the conversation

You may have family or friends that want to bring additional people along. Perhaps a new significant other, a friend in need of company, or a co-worker from out of town that would like to enjoy some company, too. These guests won't know many people at the party so take the initiative to make them feel comfortable and engage them in conversation.

3. Take It Easy

Big celebrations and preparations can make you feel anxious. Breathe, stay calm and be yourself. If you’re relaxed, your guests will sense it, and they'll feel a lot more comfortable, too.

Few things beat a fun, casual atmosphere with friends and family. Once the hustle and bustle of meal time is over, just relax.

Missing Children's Day - A Day of Awareness

Missing Children's Day - A Day of Awareness

Approximately 460,000 children were listed as missing in 2015. Children reported as missing have circumstances that vary from family abductions, stranger abductions, and kidnappings. Fortunately, as much as 99% of children reported missing in America make it back home.


It is important to equip children with the right information about the possible dangers they might encounter. Make your children aware of avoiding busy roadways, not talking to strangers, embracing situational awareness, etc. In recognition of May’s Missing Children’s Day, here are some tips to consider to protect your children.


  • Inform children about stranger danger.
  • Keep tabs on your kids at home and while they’re away with friends.
  • In addition to knowing where they are, know where they plan on going.
  • For those parents that embrace technology, there are apps available that add tracking and monitoring capabilities to phones. If your children are too young for a phone, there are smartwatches and other devices that can provide GPS information, too.
  • Go over the “off-limits” areas of your neighborhood or city.

Missing Children’s Day was commemorated in the US in 1983. It is a reminder for parents to educate their children. The day coincides with International Missing Children’s Day, a joint venture of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children and the US’s National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

3 Fun Physical and Sports Activities Little Kids Will Enjoy

3 Fun Physical and Sports Activities Little Kids Will Enjoy

Much has been written about the benefits of exercise and sports; healthy body, healthy mind, and better disposition and mood are just some of the many benefits. Despite knowing so many of the benefits of exercise, reluctantly, so many of us still live a sedentary lifestyle.

treasure map

In recognition of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, an annual celebration of physical activity each May, now is a great time to start thinking about your health and renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

Get ready to break out the “I like to move it, move it.” song. To help encourage families and their kids to be active together, here are some activities that everyone can do together.

  1. Treasure Hunt. Is there any kid who doesn’t like a treasure hunt? Prepare a treasure hunt game around the house or in the backyard. In every clue, add a physical activity or sports that they can do. It is sort of an Amazing Race type of treasure hunt wherein before moving to the next clue, they need to first perform a task. Your kids will be looking forward to this fun-filled treasure hunt and their bodies will appreciate the physical activity.
  2. Games for Chore-Free Week. Sweating it out can be done not only through exercise, but doing some household chores, too. Parents will love this idea since it encourages physical activity and teaches children responsibility. Parents define wherein a child who wins a physical game, perhaps at home, school, or at youth sports, will be able to enjoy a chore-free week.
  3. Follow the Leader. This activity works well for younger children. When parents are ready to rock some mom and dad-level chores, break out a matching outfit or apron for the toddlers of the home, turn on some music, allow the children to follow and copy your chores and let the fun begin. Not only will everyone involved get in some light physical activity, but the house gets cleaned and the kids get to enjoy some quality fun time with mom and dad.

These activities are fun for kids and they won’t feel like they’re being forced to get in some physical activity. What are some of your favorite ways to get your kids active?